Literacy is a launchpad to a strong foundation for the next generation!
Meet Diana and her sons.
After completing our family literacy program at Blacksburg Public Library last year, Diana enrolled in our volunteer-led English classes and continued working hard to improve her English skills so she can help her children to learn. When the pandemic hit, she didn’t stop learning, and she continued meeting with her English class via Zoom. Recently, she achieved an important goal — she was so excited to be able to successfully communicate, for the first time, during a parent-teacher conference! She could understand and speak with her 4-year old son’s teacher! Her older son said, “Mom, you did really well!” A compliment from your child is the ultimate joyful moment! Diana often included her children in English classes; in fact, Santiago (her oldest son) asked if he could give a thank you speech at our recognition event last year! Diana is so excited about her progress — and about her sons’ learning! Adult literacy students such as Diana know that literacy can change everything! The single greatest indicator of children's success is the literacy level of their parents. With improved literacy, Diana can give the gift of literacy to her sons — and with that gift, they can spread their wings and fly! Keep up the great work, Diana! The sky’s the limit!