Student Success Story: Julieth Marcela!

Meet Julieth Marcela

Please join us in extending our congratulations to Julieth Marcela, who just got her dream job as a translator for Montgomery County Public Schools! It has been such a joy to work with Julieth Marcela for the past 2 years, and we are so inspired by her dedication to learning and to achieving her goals. Julieth Marcela worked hard to improve her English skills by not only studying each day with LVNRV volunteer tutor Marita Dragan but also by attending English class through New River Community College and Blacksburg Baptist Church. The pandemic did not stop her from learning — she switched to online study. She worked so hard to improve her own English skills to achieve her employment goals and increased independence in the community but also so she could help her daughter to learn. Julieth Marcela participated in our family literacy program to learn English to read with her daughter and help her be successful in school, and she and her daughter did online tutoring sessions with her tutor so Julieth Marcela could learn skills to help her daughter with her school work. “Such a privilege to be working with someone like this, and such an eye opener in how terribly difficult English is,” said Marita. “She is so ambitious and works so hard. This has been such a remarkable journey. Julieth Marcela is now working in a job that provides her with fulfillment and a good income, volunteering in the community to help other English language learners, and is taking college classes! “ We wish Julieth Marcela all the very best in her job helping others in our community to be independent!
