WOW! Today we are SPELLabrating the incREADable generosity of our community!
Thanks to more than 70 awesome donors in our amazing NRV community, we exceeded our $5,000 GiveLocalNRV goal ($5,500!) to win a challenge match provided by 2 anonymous donors, which brought our grand total dollars raised yesterday to help local adults learn to read to – drum roll please – $10,500!
THANK YOU to the awesome people who donated, to our enthusiastic supporters and community partners who helped spread the word, to the Community Foundation of the NRV for initiating this incredible day of giving (record-breaking GiveLocalNRV dollars raised by local non-profits yesterday totaled more than $421,000!) and to those of you who give of your time each week as volunteers to change lives through literacy!
We are so very grateful for and inspired by your generosity – especially during these challenging and uncertain times!
The $10,501 raised yesterday will better equip us to play a critical role in individual and community recovery after the pandemic.