Have you heard the BUZZ? Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley featured on Blue Ridge PBS show Buzz 4 Good

For most people, the ability to read and write comes so naturally that we forget they are skills we had to learn as a child. But for immigrants who don’t know English, and native-born individuals who perhaps struggled in school, those letters on a page are literally a foreign language. From navigating our healthcare system and the DMV to simply wanting to read to a grandchild, a lack of literacy can be crippling. Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley provides tutoring and classes to teach adults how to read, write, do basic math, and use computers — which in turn provides people the power to lift themselves out of poverty, lower health care costs, find and keep sustainable employment, and ultimately change lives.

Thanks to an incredible opportunity from Buzz 4 Good, LVNRV was featured on Blue Ridge PBS’s monthly BUZZ episode! Sponsored by 100+ Women Who Care NRV, the short documentary captured the attention of viewers and shed light on the incredible work of our students and volunteers and the transformative impact it has on their future.

As part of the episode, local marketing firm Wordsprint provided an opportunity for rebranding, including a logo refresh and a deep dive into the language we use to identify and promote our services.

Catch the BUZZ and watch today!


2022 Welcoming Week with YMCA at Virginia Tech

The YMCA at Virginia Tech hosted their 2nd annual Welcoming Week this month with support from the Town of Blacksburg, Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library, local businesses, community groups and individuals. Welcoming Week brings New River Valley neighbors of all backgrounds together to build strong connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places and LVNRV is proud to be a participating partner. Program Coordinator Anne Abbott was onsite to share information on our classes for English for Speakers of Other Languages, Citizenship exam preparation, and more. Program Coordinator and volunteer Alex Uresti represented LVNRV at the international fair to recruit learners and volunteers. We enjoyed meeting and welcoming new immigrants to our community!


Literacy Volunteers of the NRV names new executive director

Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley welcomed Ginny Ritenour Ayers as its new executive director Jan. 10, 2022.

“Ginny brings a remarkable blend of impactful fund development and volunteer engagement experience together with a strong history of leadership,” said Board Chair Karim Khan. “We are so excited about the skills, passion and enthusiasm she will bring to our mission to change lives through literacy.” 

In her previous position as Director of Alumni Chapter Programs at Virginia Tech, Ayers led alumni volunteer management and fundraising programs for 14 years  She has extensive experience leading a team to meet their strategic goals through engagement programs. Prior to her employment at Virginia Tech, Ayers was employed for 14 years with New River Foundry in various roles. Ayers earned a Masters in Education from Virginia Tech in 2014 and has lived in the New River Valley for more than 30 years. 

“I'm ready to leverage my leadership strengths, organizational skills, and love for the New River Valley to better benefit our diverse community members right here at home,” said Ayers. “Having worked both in the manufacturing sector and higher education in the NRV, I've had front row exposure to the needs of our neighbors and the lack of resources available for adult literacy skills development. I have a personal affinity for the work of LVNRV, and I look forward to supporting and expanding our variety of educational opportunities to help our students achieve their goals.”

The organization’s previous executive director, Linda Jilk, will continue to be employed with LVNRV in a part-time role focused on promoting student literacy learning. 


Student Success Story: Tim!

Tim always struggled with reading when he was a child. Because of his difficulties with reading, he was dissuaded from going to college -- but that didn’t stop him from pursuing his dream career in the media. He worked extra hard to climb the ladder in jobs in radio and now broadcast journalism. Tim is driven to succeed and works with an LVNRV tutor on literacy skills so he can understand news releases and write copy for the TV reporters. He also joined his tutor, Vicki Brackett, as a volunteer speaker to talk with families to provide advice on dealing with dyslexia. “I can attack words better. Reading better makes my job easier and I have more confidence in myself!” said Tim. “As someone who's been struggling with reading and writing his whole life and works in a business that’s mostly reading and writing, I’m so thankful. This program has been nothing but a success for me!” Congratulations on your hard work and progress, Tim, and thank you for helping others!



Literacy Volunteers of the NRV is growing its impact and growing its staff! We are hiring a full-time executive director. Linda Jilk, our current executive director, will continue working with LVNRV in a part-time role.

If you or someone you know is interested in leading a small non-profit making a big and powerful impact, please check out our job posting linked here! Looking forward to growing our life-changing work!



Student Success Story: Gris!

Please join us in congratulating Gris, who just got a job at Radford University! Gris has been working with an LVNRV tutor for 2 years to improve her English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. She also participated in our Family READS (Reading and English to Achieve Dreams and Success) program to learn skills to help her children succeed in school. When the pandemic hit, she learned new digital skills to participate in Zoom English class and to help and support her children with online school. Despite the stresses of the pandemic, she never stopped learning and studying English, and in August of 2021, she excitedly reported that she achieved her goal of employment! Gris is pictured below with a bouquet delivered by her tutor Nancy Shappell to celebrate her new job. We are so inspired by Gris’ dedication to learning in order to create a bright future for her family! Way to go, Gris!



Thank you so much to the many incredible donors who helped us surpass our fundraising goal and raise a total of $14,000 on June 23, 2021, GiveLocalNRV, a community day of giving coordinated by the Community Foundation of the NRV! Special thanks go out to our anonymous donor who provided a match to help us reach our goal and therefore develop our capacity to meet the need for literacy services during this challenging time. We are so grateful for the many gifts from our amazing community to help us share the light of literacy and shine the way to a whole new world of possibilities for our adult learners.   

A special shout out to the friends of literacy who joined us for our GiveLocalNRV Open House! What a glorious day of reuniting with old friends and meeting new ones! With literacy, the future’s so bright, we’ve got to wear shades!


Give Local and Share the Light and Power of Literacy

We’re walking on sunshine -- because of YOU, our valued literacy luminaries! We are so very grateful for the many incredible rays of hope, of neighbors joining together despite the crises of the year to create growth and bright futures with literacy!

#GiveLocalNRV, a day of community giving coordinated by the Community Foundation of the New River Valley, is Wednesday, June 23. And we’re so excited to announce a SUN-sational opportunity to double the impact of your gift to give local adults the power of literacy! Thanks to an anonymous awesome SUNbody in our community who wants to see our impact grow -- all GiveLocalNRV donations up to $5,500 will be doubled! AND, after we reach $11,000 total ($5500 from the community and $5500 from the matching donor), donations will be matched $2 for $1 up to $10,000! Wow!

Check out this video showing the impact of your financial support!

TOGETHER, we can create a community where every adult has the literacy skills they need and deserve! Thank you so much for lighting the way to bright futures with literacy!

Your GiveLocalNRV gift of literacy will shine the way to employment, empowerment, self-sufficiency, joy, and HOPE! Thank you so much for your awe-SUN support of adult literacy! Your donation will be gratefully accepted at this secure online giving site:https://www.givelocalnrv.org/organization/Literacy-Volunteers-Of-The-New-River-Valley


Mom Learns English and Helps Children Learn to Read and to Succeed!

Shout out to super mom, Aurora Mondragon, whose outstanding dedication to learning is making a difference in her own life AND in the lives of her children! Three years ago, Aurora participated in our family literacy program to improve English skills to read with her children, and she had continued learning English through our community-based classes. Now, her children are GREAT readers and students, and, this week, when the family stopped by, we were so thrilled to see 6-year old Megan's excitement to read aloud to her mom, baby sister Sara, and brother Luis! What a great example of how parents are their children's first and most important teacher, and how critical adult literacy is to creating a next generation of readers! These photos (this week and 3 years ago) make us so happy, and we are so inspired by parents like Aurora who work hard to learn new skills to help their children!

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Aurora, family literacy program participant, reads with her children.jpg


We're getting hungry already! Raise funds to help local adults learn to read by joining us on April 20 at Texas Roadhouse for their famous Hand-Cut Steaks, Fall-Off-The-Bone Ribs, Made-From-Scratch Sides, Ice-Cold Beer and irresistible Fresh-Baked Bread! TAKE OUT OR DINE IN! ALCOHOL INCLUDED! Have fun and raise funds for adult literacy! YOU MUST SHOW A PHOTO OF THIS FLYER FOR LVNRV TO RECEIVE A 10% DONATION FROM YOUR BILL. Thank you so much, Texas Roadhouse!



Building Digital and Literacy Skills to Build Families and Our Community

Our Bridge to Digital Learning initiative provides adult literacy students and tutors with access to technology, internet and training/support/resources to make digital learning possible. There are 3 legs to the Bridge “stool” -- a) partnering with organizations that can safely provide technology, internet and support for digital tutoring; b) training and support for tutors and development of resources and strategies for effective digital teaching; c) provision of used technology and support/instruction to access internet for remote instruction (includes used device drive). 

Recent studies performed internationally regarding adult competencies found that six out of ten adults in the US, of ages 18-65, perform at or below the lowest proficiency levels with solving problems in tech-rich environments. That’s about 118 million people. This includes competencies like acquiring and evaluating information, using technology to communicate with others effectively, and performing practical tasks. These studies showcase the need for increased tech integration in adult literacy education.

Thanks to the Bridge initiative, students are also learning valuable digital and literacy literacy skills for independence in this new virtual world — to do online job search, to help their children with online schoolwork, to register online for a doctor’s appointment, and to complete online applications for financial assistance. When adults are equipped with the basic skills and training to acquire good jobs, they have the power to lift themselves up and bring about positive change for their families and our communities.

This initiative is being supported by the invaluable in-kind contributions of a team of Information Technology volunteers, in-kind gifts of used devices from community members and businesses, and generous funding from the Cares Act, Community Foundation of the NRV, and Corning Incorporated Foundation.

Our community needs free adult literacy services now more than ever. Literacy was a challenge before but it has been exacerbated by the pandemic. New data released in April 2020 revealed that 24,000 New River Valley adults struggle with basic reading and 38,000 adults cannot perform basic math calculations.

We sure do miss face-to-face tutoring but this initiative is helping our community bridge the digital divide and helping adults increase digital skills, confidence and ability to navigate our new virtual world.

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Student Success Story: Florina!

We are so inspired by Florina, who lives in Blacksburg with her 2 young sons, and was our first graduate of the COVID-safe Home-Delivery Version of Family READS (Reading and English to Achieve Dreams and Success). She received a loaner tablet to connect digitally with her tutor, and she received front-door delivery of a bag of books and fun educational activities as well as ongoing tutor support and instruction, so she could read with her sons and help them to learn. She reported an increase in her ability to read with her children and to communicate with her children's school. This is her first time using technology such as a tablet, so she said she also learned valuable digital skills to participate in our new virtual world! After graduation from our 6-week family literacy program, she opted to continue learning English communication and literacy through our one-to-one adult tutoring program! She and her tutor have been studying health vocabulary (symptoms and body parts) and doing role playing to practice communicating with the doctor when her children are sick. Way to keep learning on behalf of your children, Florina! Thank you to Blacksburg Public Library for providing the children’s books and learning activities! And thank you so much to the generous donors and volunteers whose support is making digital learning a reality for our NRV neighbors!


Celebrating Ruby Meade

We celebrate the life of Ruby Meade of Radford, who lived an inspirational life dedicated to education and passed away March 3, 2021. We honor Ruby as one of the founding volunteers and leaders of Literacy Volunteers of the NRV, which was established in 1979 by Pearisburg Public Library and was quickly embraced by all the public libraries throughout the NRV. Pictured here is Ruby as a tutor trainer for LVNRV in the mid 1980's. Thank you so very much to Ruby Meade for making a lasting impact on our community through all her hard work to help change lives through education! Her legacy lives on in our continued work and all the individuals who have been able to achieve independence through literacy !https://www.mullinsfuneralhome.com/obituary/ruby-meade


Student Success Story: Zohour!

So excited and grateful for Zohour, a Blacksburg resident originally from Syria, who presented in March about the refugee experience at a VT university webinar on the refugee crisis! "I want to give hope to every refugee so they don't stop at the word refugee," said Zohour. "I want every refugee to look forward to a better life." Zohour is an inspirational example of her words. She works hard with 2 LVNRV tutors (1 to help her prepare for the citizenship exam and 1 to help her learn English) to achieve her dreams for a future: "My plan is to get a GED, get a better job, and help my family." Keep up the great work, Zohour, and congratulations on all that you have accomplished!


LVNRV Launches Front-Door Delivery of Technology and Resources for FAMILY Learning

Front-door delivery of technology and resources to support virtual family learning is underway! We are so inspired by Maria, who lives in Blacksburg with her 2 young children and is participating in our Home-Delivery Version of Family READS (Reading and English to Achieve Dreams and Success). We provided her with a loaner tablet, which we connected to wifi; books to support her English language learning; and children's books and educational activities so she can engage with her children's learning! Each week, she receives a new bag of books to read with her sons and she connects digitally with a volunteer tutor on the tablet to help learn how to read the children's books and improve her English! She is now on her way to achieving her learning goals! Hurray!! Thank you to Blacksburg Public Library for providing the children’s books and learning activities! And thank you so much to the generous donors whose financial support is making digital learning a reality for our NRV neighbors! Llama, Llama, what an awesome mama! Way to keep learning on behalf of your children, Maria!
