Open Sidewalk Event June 24 to Celebrate Literacy!

In celebration of literacy’s power to open doors to opportunity, Literacy Volunteers of the NRV will host an “Open Sidewalk”  event on June 24, which is GiveLocalNRV, a community giving day coordinated by the Community Foundation of the NRV.

Current and prospective volunteers, students, supporters, and community partners are invited to stop by and learn about opportunities to engage with LVNRV to promote independence through literacy.  In consideration of health and safety recommendations, LVNRV representatives will greet guests from a table set up in front of the learning center, located at 195 West Main Street in downtown Christiansburg. 

Curbside pick up of books and teaching materials will be available; free children's books will be distributed; potential learners and volunteers can ask questions and sign up; and donors may support the organization’s life-changing work by helping to meet their $5,000 GiveLocalNRV goal to achieve a $5,000 match. 

All guests will receive a free candle -- because "literacy is a light out of darkness." 

The event, which is rain or shine, will be held 10 am--2 pm. 

“We are so grateful for our dedicated tutors and learners who have ensured that learning continues during the pandemic by implementing creative distance education strategies, and we are very excited to host this Open Door event to connect face-to-face with current and future partners and clients,” said Linda Jilk, Executive Director. 

LVNRV, a United Way partner agency, provides free instruction -- in reading, writing, math, basic computer skills, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), and assistance preparing for exams such as the GED, U.S. Citizenship test, and driver’s license -- to help adults achieve their goals. LVNRV also provides family literacy programming to help parents learn to read to their children and support their children’s education. 

More than 24,000 New River Valley adults read at or below Level 1, which indicates these adults struggle to read brief texts on familiar topics. More than 38,000 local adults have Level 1 basic math skills -- for example, these adults struggle with solving a one-step problem involving counting or percents.

“Our community needs us now more than ever due to the pandemic’s upending of our economy,” said Jilk. “Our neighbors need new literacy, language, and digital skills to understand critical health information, to access community resources, to obtain basic skills or a GED to secure employment, to perform on-line job search, to help their children with homework, and to participate in this new virtual world.” 

For more information about the Open Sidewalk Event on June 24 or LVNRV’s services, please email, visit, or call (540) 382-7262. 

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Go, Frannie, Go!

So excited to report that Frannie READ HER FIRST BOOK!! Frannie grew up in VA and never had the opportunity to go to school. She is so determined to learn to read so she can read to her grandson. Despite social distancing, Frannie and her very dedicated tutor have continued to study -- using books that her tutor drops off at her home and by reading these books together on the phone! She cannot wait until the day she can see her grandson again and read him a book! Go, Frannie, go!


Virtual Scrabblers Raise $4,400 for Literacy

We are so very grateful for the many Scrabblers and donors who joined us for our Virtual Scrabble Tournament -- Home Edition!! What an amazing community! Magical things happen when people come together for a common cause! Together, yet apart, we Scrabbled for literacy, and we raised $4400 to help local adults learn to read! Winners and a leaderboard of scores have been posted at! Shout out to our Costume Contest winner, Lindsay de Gastyne! Thank you to all for joining us for this SPELLabration of literacy!

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Volunteers Ensure That Learning Continues!

We are so grateful for our awesome tutors' commitment to and energy and enthusiasm for teaching and learning despite the many obstacles and uncertainties right now! Using Zoom, Facetime, Whatsapp, Google Classroom, email, U.S. mail, personal delivery of materials, and phone, our incredible tutors are being creative, working hard, and learning new technology to make sure that learning continues for our students! We can't thank our amazing tutors enough for their continued dedication to teaching and learning, especially in the midst of a pandemic! #covidcantstopgood

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The Show Must Go On!

These are troubling times, yet we are filled with hope and gratitude.

Yes, all our face-to-face literacy programs are on hold, yet many of our tutors and students are dedicated to implementing creative strategies for distance education to ensure that learning doesn’t stop. Staff and volunteers are connecting with current tutors and students and working to develop virtual learning opportunities that meet student needs and reaching out to the large segment of our learners that do not have access to technology and skills for e-learning to brainstorm and develop alternative learning options. 

Love this dedication and love these smiles!

Photo 1: Super tutor Kiki Clos McGrath(upper right) is using Zoom to connect with LVNRV English language learners EunBi Lee (upper left) and Sera Sim (bottom) to hold distance tutoring sessions focused on improving English conversation and grammar. So inspired and grateful for our tutors’ and students’ commitment to the learning journey despite COVID-19 restrictions! COVID can’t stop good!

Photo 2: A virtual high five to LVNRV learners Juliette and Jose and awesome tutor Marita (not pictured)! These 3 are e-tutoring using Facetime and Whatsapp 3-4 afternoons per week to help Juliette and Jose prepare for the TOEFL and to help their daughter complete her schoolwork! "So great to have such a purposeful pursuit at this time!" said Marita. "You can see by their faces below, they are enthusiastic about learning (Photo taken as we FaceTime)!"

It’s easy to feel hopeless, but there are so many reasons to find hope again. 

Even in this time of uncertainty, we’re inspired by the ways that we see people coming together in generous ways to share resources, give back and reassure one another with kindness, help, and connection. COVID can’t stop good!

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COVID Can't Stop Good: Incarcerated Tutors Ensure GED Tutoring Continues!

The NRCC Office of Transitional Programs instructor and LVNRV volunteer tutors cannot go into Montgomery County Jail to teach GED right now because of COVID-19 precautions, but thanks to Greg Warden, MCJ Programs Director, and a few awesome inmates who have stepped up to be our volunteer instructors, men who are incarcerated at our local jail are continuing to to study reading, writing and math in preparation for the GED! The men meet with their inmate tutors for once/week class and they study together with the inmate tutors throughout the week. Thank you tutors — way to make learning happen no matter what! Keep up the great work, guys!

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Literacy Help Hotline

We are excited to announce the launch of our LITERACY HELP HOTLINE! Call (540) 382-7262 or call/text (540) 324-9314! We can help you . . . complete the Census form, submit online forms to apply for help, create a resume, apply for jobs online, read documents, write emails, help children with homework, connect you with resources, and more!

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Scrabble Dabble Do! We want you (but not on April 30!)

Thank you so very much to the many individuals who registered to compete in and/or provide a generous sponsorship to support Literacy Volunteers of the NRV's April 30 Scrabble Tournament! Unfortunately, during this time of social distancing through mass cooperation to protect the collective whole from the spread of COVID-19, we must postpone our annual Scrabble Tournament.  We will update you with more information as soon as we have a new plan! Note that "training" for the tourney in the safety and comfort of your home (whether through board games with your family or apps that allow you to play solo) is NOT cancelled! Stay tuned Scrabblers!  Thank you so much for your support and ongoing partnership to help ensure every adult in the NRV has the literacy skills he or she needs and deserves! 

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VIrginia Tech employees grow with lvnrv!

Thanks to a partnership with Virginia Tech Student Affairs and Human Resources, SkillUp VT courses are underway at Virginia Tech!

This exciting partnership provides housekeepers, dining services workers and other employees of Virginia Tech Student Affairs with the opportunity to increase basic skills on campus and on-the-clock.

Sixteen employees are enrolled in Moneywi$e: Basic Money Management. LVNRV’s adult basic education instructor, Anne Larsen, with the support of LVNRV tutors Bonnie Tuck and Mara Grossman, have taken SkillUp VT students on a journey of learning about a variety of financial literacy topics, including goal setting, tracking spending, banking basics, budgeting, planning for emergencies, understanding credit, credit reports and scores, dealing with debt and more.

Sixteen employees are enrolled in Basic Computer Skills and Writing for Work and Life. LVNRV co-instructors Anne Larsen and Kerstin Roan are joined by tutors Peter Potter, Beth Grabau, Emma Patterson, Jassi Chahal, Chris Collins, and Bonnie Tuck to provide an individualized curriculum to help students with at a variety of skill levels to achieve their goals. The first hour of class is dedicated to group work focused on basic computer skill instruction, grammar and writing skills. The second hour of class is dedicated to writing or more customized computer skill instruction; writing students break up into groups based on skill and/or level to work on goals such as the GED essay, professional letters, or resume. 

Retention has been excellent, and we are so excited about all the learning that is happening! Thank you to Virginia Tech for supporting the ongoing growth and development of its employees, and thank you to the employees who are working hard to learn new skills!

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Celebrating and Saying Goodbye to Ninel

It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to Ninel Novik of Blacksburg, age 92, who had studied English with Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley for 20 years. Ninel was determined to improve her English literacy skills -- she and long-time tutor Julie Neely met regularly for many, many years to study English. Ninel passed away on February 28, 2020. 

Ninel’s choice of reading material to help her improve her English vocabulary was Harry Potter books!  Ninel,whose native language was Russian, was so proud to point out a shelf in her apartment, stacked high with her spiral notebooks filled with the hand-written English vocabulary she had learned from J.K Rowling’s Potter books through the years. 

Formerly a gymnastics coach in Russia, Ninel learned to communicate better in English in the grocery store, with her neighbors, and at the doctor’s office.Thank you to Julie for her devotion and dedication to supporting Ninel’s educational goals.  Ninel’s incredible commitment to learning inspires us all to keep growing and striving to know more -- at any age!

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Student Success Story: A Promotion at Work!

Congratulations to Carlos Mendez Magdaleno, who has been working hard with his LVNRV tutor, Kristan Morrison, for close to two years to gain fluency in English.  He has made significant progress over this time and recently was promoted to Head Grower at the Red Sun Farms greenhouses in Dublin, VA!  Keep on growing, Carlos! Way to go!


Employees SkillUp at Virginia Tech!

Employees SkillUp at Virginia Tech!

Congratulations to the graduates of our pilot SkillUp VT initiative! Thanks to a partnership with Virginia Tech Student Affairs and Human Resources, Literacy Volunteers of the New RIver Valley launched SkillUp VT in the fall of 2019. Employees of Student Affairs were provided the opportunity to take adult basic education classes (English for Speakers of Other Languages and Basic Computer Skills/Money Management on campus. If the course was offered during the employee’s regular schedule, the employee was paid to attend class! Thank you, Virginia Tech, for supporting employees’ personal growth and development!


Inside Out Dad: Fatherhood and Family Literacy programming at Montgomery County Jail

Such an honor to be a part of the Inside Out Dad fatherhood/family literacy program to help dads who are incarcerated to be better dads and to help their kids succeed in school! Thank you for the partnership Montgomery County Jail and NRV Reentry Council; thank you to our amazing dad facilitators Deputy Greg Warden and volunteers Jesse Hilmandolar and G.E. Stike; and thank you to Penny Livesay with Open Book NRV for giving the gift of literacy -- she donated 220 children's books for the dad grads to send to their 22 kids! Each of the dads had the opportunity to be filmed reading a book aloud to their children and the DVD/thumb drive of the read aloud recording was sent to their kids with the books.

TV coverage of Inside Out Dad:

What dads can do is help their kids succeed in school!


Trish "skills up" to achieve dream job!

So happy for and inspired by Trish Ketz! She has shown us all that with hard work and determination, dreams do come true! After working hard with an LVNRV tutor to achieve her goal of a GED last year, Trish has now achieved her dream job as a teller at a local bank! She told us she looks forward to continuing to learn and grow! WAY TO GO TRISH!!!

Our Skill UP NRV initiative helps adults like Trish to improve skills to achieve college and career goals! Many thanks to our Skill UP NRV funders for making employment dreams come true for local adults:

CE RIchardson Foundation

Community Foundation of the NRV

Corning Incorporated Foundation

Dollar General Literacy Foundation


United Way of the New River Valley

Virginia Literacy Foundation

Wells Fargo

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2019 Impact Statement


About us:

The mission of Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley, a local 501(c)(3) community-based adult literacy organization is to foster, support, advocate for, and instruct adults in the New River Valley who seek opportunities to achieve greater independence through literacy. LVNRV provides free instruction for adults in reading, writing and math; GED preparation; ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages); and basic computer skills. 

Demonstrates Growth: 

LVNRV has seen a 44% increase in the number of adult learners served (from 167 in 2017-18 to 240 in 2018-19.) Additionally, the number of volunteers, who are the lifeblood and heart of our small organization, increased by 66%, from 102 to 169. Our revenue grew from $60,264 in 2017-18 to $106,770. 

Furthermore, more adults have achieved positive learning outcomes, which demonstrates growth in organizational impact on lives, families, and our community: 

● 102 adults achieved a work goal last year compared with 55 the previous year (goals achieved include securing a new or better job, entering an education or job training program, passing the GED/section of the GED, increasing basic computer skills.) 

● 42 adults achieved a home/family goal last year compared with 35 the previous year (goals achieved include reading with and helping children with homework, increasing ability to communicate with child’s school, paying bills, reading information from a doctor or medication bottle, reading for personal enjoyment.) 

● 38 adults achieved a community goal last year compared with 28 the previous year (goals achieved include increasing involvement in civic/religious activities, voting, achieving U.S. Citizenship, passing the driver’s license exam.) 

The success of organizational growth can be attributed to the goal of developing partnerships; together, we can do more. LVNRV focused on reaching out to organizations and workplaces serving/employing low-income and low-literate adults and other stakeholders to jointly develop programs and services to meet clients’ educational needs.

Demonstrates Positive Values and Lives Your Mission:

Last year, 169 volunteers donated more than 4,535 hours of volunteer service to LVNRV; valued at $25.43 by the Independent Sector, this equates to more than $115,325 in in-kind support of local adult literacy services. The impact of the invaluable contributions of these volunteers has a positive ripple effect on lives, families and the community. 

Adult literacy programming provides a substantial socio-economic return on investment. There is strong evidence that investment in literacy can benefit the economy by: reducing costs in areas such as social assistance, healthcare, and justice; and it results in increased productivity and earnings. Low adult literacy costs billions of dollars in lost revenue and increases costs for health care, corrections, welfare, and other major social issues. 

When adults learn how to read, write, do math, use computers, and communicate in English, they have the power to lift themselves up, rise to new heights, and change their lives, their families’ lives, and the community we all share. 

Makes Lives of Individuals and Families Better: 

There are 15,000 adults in the New River Valley without a high school diploma or GED and 6,000 have less than a 9th grade education.Poverty, unemployment, crime, children's failure in school . . . many of our community's challenges intersect with low literacy. 

LVNRV’s programs are working to address these issues, and our work impacts individuals, families and our community in profound ways. 


The relationship between literacy skill level and the likelihood of living in poverty is strong. Of adults with the lowest literacy levels, 43% live in poverty, and 70% of adult welfare recipients have low literacy levels. There is a clear correlation between more education and higher earnings. (Proliteracy) 

Locally, the New River Valley Community Action Needs Assessment identified Education and Employability as 2 of the 4 top priorities to address poverty in our community. 

Recent data show that nearly 30 percent of adults with household incomes at or below the federal poverty line do not have a high school credential. (Proliteracy) The key to financial success is adequate education to seek meaningful, income sustainable work, and increasing basic academic skills and earning a high school equivalency degree helps adults prepare for further education and better employment prospects. 

To help adults in our community achieve economic self-sufficiency, LVNRV launched the SkillUp NRV initiative. Adults with employment goals receive instruction in workforce development skills as part of literacy and language instruction. 

● Debbie was referred to us by a partner organization serving unemployed adults. She worked with a tutor to complete a resume and online job applications and got a job! She continues to work with a tutor to improve skills to complete on-the-job reading, writing and digital literacy tasks. 


75% of state prison inmates did not complete high school or can classified as low literate. 95% of those incarcerated are reintegrated into our communities. Research shows that inmates who are educated are 43% less likely to return to prison. (Proliteracy) 

LVNRV partners with NRCC to offer a GED/Workforce Development program at Montgomery County Jail; additionally, we provide financial literacy programming at New River Valley Regional Jail. 

● Tom was incarcerated and attending jail-based classes and working with a tutor to prepare for his GED. He did not pass until the 5th time of testing after months of hard work. He’s been successfully employed in the community for 4 years now. 


The greatest single indicator of a child’s future success is the literacy level of his or her parents. If a parent can’t read, the child will be more likely to get poor grades, display behavioral problems, have high absentee rates, or drop out of school. (Proliteracy) 

Our family literacy programs give parents the skills to be their child’s first teacher and break the intergenerational cycle of illiteracy. Family READS (Reading and English to Achieve Dreams and Success) is a partnership with Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library. This program, developed by MFRL and LVNRV, recently received a collaboration award from the state. 100% of graduates report increased ability to read with children and help their children succeed in school. Additionally, LVNRV partners with Montgomery County Regional Jail and the NRV Re-Entry Council to provide a family literacy program for incarcerated dads. 

● Aurora, a graduate of the Blacksburg Family READS program, improved her English to help her son with his homework, to read with her daughter, and to register her daughter for Headstart and support her learning there. She increased the family’s income by getting a job, and she recently got a promotion! 

Additionally, societal challenges such as poor health, lack of civic engagement, domestic abuse, and more are addressed when adults have the literacy skills they need and deserve. 

Additional Information:

LVNRV does not receive any state or federal funding; the organization’s important work is made possible by contributions from United Way, local governments, local businesses, foundations, and the generosity of individuals. Thanks to the power of volunteers and the “neighbors helping neighbors” approach, LVNRV operates on a shoestring budget with no full-time employees; this small organization has a big impact. 


Yes, Literacy is One of the Greatest Gifts of All!

Thank you to WVTF for this wonderful story about how Freddie Price, a Christiansburg man, worked with tutor John Hess to achieve his literacy goals for success at work!

Our Skill UP NRV initiative provides local adults with the reading, language, math and digital literacy skills they need to be successful in the 21st century workplace and to achieve family self-sufficiency. We are grateful for our Skill UP funders, whose generous support helps adults like Freddie to make their career dreams come true.

CE RIchardson Foundation

Community Foundation of the NRV

Corning Incorporated Foundation

Dollar General Literacy Foundation


United Way of the New River Valley

Virginia Literacy Foundation

Wells Fargo


Meet Judy: A Literacy Hero

"I'm reading books that I never thought I would be able to read," said Judy Vest, a learner with LVNRV. "I really feel like I'm making progress! I can read information about my medications and directions from the doctor. I keep a journal now. And I am so excited I can read this book! I've had amazing tutors and it's amazing that this organization helps people learn to read. Some day I want to be a tutor and help other people learn to read."

Go to to listen to Judy speak about how she can now write letters to her tutor!

Go to to listen to Judy reading the Bible!

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