Families Read and Achieve Together

Thanks to a partnership with Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library, which received 2 years of funding through an American Library Association/American Dream grant, and a grant to LVNRV from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, Family READS (Reading and English to Achieve Dreams and Success) continues to help parents help their children succeed in school! The program was offered at Christiansburg Public Library in the summer and is being launched at Blacksburg Public Library and Jessie Peterman Memorial Library in the fall. 100% of parents who completed this program reported increasing skills to read with children and to help their children succeed in school. Additionally, 100% of participating parents requested continued opportunities for English language learning! For example, the Meadowbrook Family READS program has evolved into an ongoing weekly adult basic education class.

If you want to invest in children, support LVNRV's family literacy programs! To volunteer or to donate, please go to www.lvnrv.org. The single greatest indicator of a child's success in school is the educational level of the parent!

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