Learning Skills for Work

Skill Up NRV is our initiative to give NRV adults the skills they need for success at work. We  partner with organizations serving low-income adults to perform outreach and provide needed adult basic education services. Adults receive one-on-one or small group instruction by volunteers who teach basic literacy, English, math, digital literacy, GED/college preparation skills, and soft skills to help learners get and keep a job. NRV adults can drop in to our learning center in Christiansburg Mondays and Wednesdays to receive instruction in resume creation, online job search, basic computer skills, and reading/writing/math/English for work or credential attainment. At Pulaski Public Library, a volunteer tutor provides digital literacy instruction on Monday afternoons. Joe of Floyd (not his real name) is an example of a SkillUp NRV success story. Joe could not complete his online time sheet or read notes from his supervisors; despite being a hard worker, he was at risk of losing his job when his supervisor referred him to us for tutoring. He now feels good about himself and his ability to more effectively communicate through reading, writing and computers at work! Skill Up NRV is generously funded by the Corning Incorporated Foundation, Community Foundation of the NRV, Virginia Literacy Foundation, Wells Fargo, United Way of the NRV, and our local governments. 

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